Friday 22 February 2008

Hi from Ruth!

First of all, a bit about me. I'm a wife of one, mother of two and grandmother of six. This photo is of me with Thomas, one of my grandsons, at last year's Carols By Candlelight. At my age candlelight is an excellent idea!

I'm not sure how often I will write in this blog, but if I do you'll doubtless find out that I am a committed Christian, a doting grandmother and mother, a business owner, and value the love and closeness of family and friends.

If you want to read a REALLY good blog try my daughter's - it's great AND she can be relied upon to actually write something significant in it regularly! You'll also hear a bit about four of my wonderful grandchildren. Perhaps one day I'll write about being a grandmother for all you internet-literate grandmas out there. If you'd like that let me know!

One extract from Jean's blog - an extract I read most days - is probably a good way to start:

We love God most and serve God best by doing the thing he asks of us,
rather than constantly wishing we could do something else instead.

The great lesson that I am constantly having to learn is that my circumstances, far from being the enemy of my soul, are its friend, its teacher. They set the agenda, mark out the course, underline the lessons I most need to learn, and persist in dragging me back to those lessons when I want to wander off into something more appealing but less beneficial. This is not a cruelty to me, but God's kindness.

May God bless you this day and speak to your heart and mind the things that you most need to hear!

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